Saturday, January 14, 2012

When To Take Whey Protein For The Best Results

!±8± When To Take Whey Protein For The Best Results

What Are The Best Times To Take Whey Protein To indubitably Pack On The Muscle?

When it comes to taking whey protein, it makes sense to try and consume the whey protein supplement for the best results. If an aspiring weight instructor is just starting out and looking to supplement their diet with a protein supplement, it can be very confusing as to when to take whey protein for best the results.

Let me give you a personal example. When I first started weight training, way back in '86, my first protein supplement was Beverly International's protein powder. Of course, this protein supplement was not a whey based goods but a cheap variation of soy protein mixed with milk proteins.

I'll be the first to say that these early protein powders mixed like cement and tasted slightly better. Anyways, I had no clue when to take this protein supplement. I basically took this protein powder once every two days. This was a unblemished waste of money with no advantage whatsoever.

First of all, my protein intake was very inconsistent which is not conducive to construction muscle at all.

Secondly, every two days was not adequate to sway my protein intake at all.

How was I supposed to know when to take a protein supplement? There was indubitably no information - No forums, no blogs, no Yahoo answers, no information sites (such as construction muscle101..hehe), no internet, no nothing. If you were an aspiring weight instructor back in the mid '80's, there was not a whole lot of information to be found, let alone use.

Anyways, now I know.

Whey protein is a extraordinary supplement since it contains some great muscle construction properties that has one important element that most other protein sources don't have.

That is it's digestibility rate. Whey protein cut off for example (the purest form of whey protein), is one of the fastest acting protein sources today.

Once ingested, whey protein cut off can be in your theory shortly thereafter.

As well as being one of the fastest acting proteins, whey protein cut off is rich in Branched Chain Amino Acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine).

These amino acids are very important since they help prevent muscle protein breakdown during practice and appear to retain muscle stores of glycogen. In other words, whey protein cut off contains the muscle construction properties that most weight trainers are looking for. This is very important to understand.

So, let's get back to the question: when to take whey protein?

Alright, so now you know that whey protein is 1) indubitably and efficiently digested, and 2) high in muscle construction branched chain amino acids. All we need to know now, is when to take whey protein for the best results.

I've done some investigate and done a lot of personal experiments to see what works best. I've come to the end that there are 3 windows of opportunity to put the power of whey protein to it's best use. Here is what I think are the best times to take whey protein:

o As soon as you wake up;

o 40 minutes prior to working out;

o Immediately after working out.

Let's take a closer look at each point for the best times to take whey protein.

1) As Soon As You Wake Up

"Get Your Body Ready For Growth!"

Upon wakening, your body is pretty much in a starvation mode. Whether you comprehend it or not, your body is craving for nutrients and needs these nutrients in order to kick start it's internal mechanisms to start construction and working. Your body is weak and wants protein. The sooner you can get some protein into your body, the better.

Personally, I've found that a whey protein cut off drink mixed with some yogurt and orange juice works best. This is one of the more important times of when to take whey protein.

Now this is very important and one that can indubitably boost your weight training results, Overnight! practically 45 minutes after you've consumed your whey protein shake, you must have a full, muscle construction breakfast. By doing this, you are jump starting your bodies quality to use the protein effectively and efficiently. Believe me, if you can corollary this one tiny tip, you will soon see your results skyrocket.

2) 40 Minutes Prior To Working Out

"Supercharge Your Workouts!"

If you have some pretty intense workouts, your going to stock up on some fast acting, high quality proteins. Whey protein contains high levels of branched amino acids which help retain muscle stores of glycogen. This is very, very important. Since glucose is the bodies whole one vigor source, high muscle stores of glucose ensure high, intense workouts.

I would suggest you ingest a whey protein cut off drink mixed with some carbohydrates to supercharge your workouts.

3) Immediately After Working Out

"The Real inexpressive To construction Huge Muscles!

In terms of when to take whey protein, this is the most important time to take in a fast acting protein drink. If you were to only have one protein drink per day, this is the time of day to take it. I'm going to very honest here, by plainly taking a protein/carb drink right after after your workouts, you will improve your results immediately.

I strongly suggest that after your workouts, you ingest a fast acting protein source such as whey protein cut off and some fast acting carbohydrates.

Why carbohydrates and protein? When carbohydrates is taken with protein, there's a blast of insulin. Insulin kicks the body's glycogen production motor into high gear. Glycogen is carefully the principal storehouse form of glucose and is found in general in liver and muscle. Glucose supplies the bodies active tissues with energy.

Therefore, insulin will speed up the movement of glucose and amino acids into cells which is what you surely want and secondly, it activates a extra enzyme which is principal for glycogen synthesis.

Additional investigate has shown that ingesting a protein/carbohydrate supplement after practice triggers the publish of increase hormone. Great news for construction muscle.

If you want to build muscle, all the time consume a power drink that is rich in whey protein and carbohydrates after your workout and consist of it in your weight training diet.

Try using the following drink for your post workout meal.

½ cup low fat yogurt

1 scoop(2oz) vanilla whey protein powder- 30 grams protein

1 tbsp honey

1 ½ cup low fat or 1% milk

1 cup orange juice

5 grams creatine monohydrate

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Includes: 590 calories, 45 grams of protein, 93 grams of carbohydrates, and 6 grams of fat.

Remember to adjust the ingredients to match that of your own nutritional needs. Now, like your breakfast, you will need to corollary this up with a full muscle construction meal practically 1 hour later. I am very serious here, because if there is one element that will put you on the track to fast muscle growth, this is it. Have the above noted drink immediately after your workout, no later than 30 minutes and you Must corollary this up with a full muscle construction meal 1 hour later.

There you have it. If you can administrate to corollary the above noted schedule, I'm 100% positive that your gains will improve practically immediately.

When To Take Whey Protein For The Best Results

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

impart of Optimum food Micronized Creatine impart

!±8± impart of Optimum food Micronized Creatine impart

The folks at Optimum cusine seems to truly believe that creatine is something everybody should take. Their micronized creatine powder is now ready in a very large 2000 gram container, priced at a mere 40 dollars.

The powder consists naturally of creatine monohydrate. The product is claimed to be thoroughly pure and free of fillers or other substances. In one respect, it is good that they do not tout the presence of some extraneous ingredients that will do minuscule to enhance the effects of the creatine.

In What Manner Does Optimum cusine Micronized Creatine Function?

The product works as a relatively straightforward creatine monohydrate supplement. No caffeine or other supposed doing boosting additives are included in this product.

Similarly to alternative creatine monohydrate products, the minuscule particle size of micronized creatine allows for faster digestion and muscle absorption. This is a very straightforward product in the way it functions.

Is it Chalky in Taste?

In some ways it is, in some ways it is not. The substance is not flavoured, but it does have its own peculiar taste. While the taste is not necessarily bad, it is not exactly interesting either. I am rather put off by the grittiness of the product's texture, though this does not pose a massive dilemma for me personally.

Rated from 1-10...

I would assign this product a 7.5. Optimum Nutrition's Micronized Creatine product is plagued by many of the same flaws of other budget offerings, namely that it is not very mixable and it does not taste great.

But, as is also true of many budget creatine products on the market, those willing to forgive these small problems will find that such products tend to be fairly effective. As someone who has all the time settled a high priority on value, I have all the time respected Optimum cusine and its products.

impart of Optimum food Micronized Creatine impart

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